Rack Services & Inside Wiring
Rack Services
Inside Wiring
We work with Open Source SIP, Proprietary SIP, and Hybrid IP telephone solutions
We follow both Cisco & open soure networking models
We help with both general and advanced IT solutions for:
- Layer 2: switches, bridges, and VLANs
- Layer 3: routers, IP routing, firewall/security appliances
We work with most Bay Area (ISPs) (Internet service providers).
We can help cross-connect your service.
We build and support IP gateways (our speciality) for IP, VoIP, & SIP traffic
We handle wiring for Bay Area (San Francisco) and South Bay (San Jose) office locations.
We use CAT-5e / CAT-6 wiring (drops, cable, faceplates, wall jacks, toned, tested, labelled).
CAT-3 telephone wiring runs (2-pair) for digital, hybrid, and/or legacy PBX phone systems.
We follow BICSI International Standards for wiring jobs.